Tate makes me laugh every day. He does/says some of the funniest things. Last week he was having some tummy issues and he threw up quite a bit. The first episode was at 2:30 in the morning, and Phil and I heard it happening and ran into his room to find his bed and his jammies covered in the contents of his stomach. After it was all cleaned up, Tate sat calmly on my lap while I rocked him and announced proudly "Tate puke in bed." He now makes that announcement every time I put him to bed.
The other day I busted out in song while I was putting Tate's shoes on (sometimes, just for fun, I sing really loud in an opera voice . . . of course, this is just when I'm at home with the windows closed and I'm in one of those moods) and he just looked at me and said "Mommy wierd." Aren't kids great?
Man He is almost two right??? Kids are marvelous to say the least. He sure seems to be talking big. Have I ever told you how cute he is? he he he;D When is his #2 day?
That is weird! ;) Cute pics..I can't believe how big he already is!
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