Monday, March 23, 2009

Cute Pics

Tori is now ten days old!! Time flies by way too quickly. She's practically a toddler. Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but why do kids have to grow up so fast??

One of the most fun parts about baby number two is seeing how baby number one interacts with her. Tate is so cute with her most of the time (he has his moments). He likes to help burp her, give her a binky (even if she doesn't want it), and get in on all the pictures mom is taking.

Oh. The other most fun part about baby number two is that she is a little girl with lots of cute little clothes and bows. Sooo much fun to dress her every day.
I particularly love this outfit. Too bad we're cooped up in the house during a blizzard so nobody gets to see her in it. Thank goodness for the magic of blogs.
Love this little face!

Tate also shares his blankey with Tori every once in a while. Which shows me that he really must love her. Usually he piles it right on her face, but mom prefers the sharing that's going on in this picture.

Monday, March 16, 2009


We try to instill good values and positive attributes in our children. But there is one trait that both of our babies came into this world already possessing: puncutality. Our little girl was born Friday, March 13, 2009 at 7:08 pm. Right on her due date just like her big brother. Her arrival was fast and furious, but also wonderful and amazing. (Call me if you want the details) She weighed 7 lb 10 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful, if I do say so myself, and, as of a few hours before we left the hospital, she officially has a name: Tori Kathleen Handley. Here are some photos of her first few days.

Mom and Tori not too long after delivery. What an incredible feeling to finally have our little girl here.

Dad, Mom, and Tori.

Tori and big brother, Tate. I love the look on his face! I don't think he felt as excited as he looks because it was way past his bed time. But he really is such a sweet older brother. (As I was posting this he saw her picture and said, "Ooooh. There's my baby!"

Aunt Andrea and Tori. I have a feeling this girl will learn a lot of girly tricks from her Aunt.

Tori Kathleen Handley. What a sweetheart!

Full body view. We love this baby girl!!

"Precious one, so small, so sweet,

Dancing in on angel feet,

Straight from heaven's brightest star,

What a miracle you are!

Little sunbeam, come to earth,

How heaven smiled to bless your birth,

And how the morning shines like new,

To see a lovely child like you."