Tate turned two years old on Saturday, so we had a little shing dig with family to celebrate. The party had a sports theme since Tate is obsessed with basketballs, footballs, soccer balls and baseballs. He loved it. Here he is "blowing out his candles". Aka, posing in front of the cake, having an anxiety attack about the blazing inferno, while mommy blew out the candles.
Uncle Shane was a big helper when it came to opening presents. I think he got more excited about it than Tate.
Birthdays are exhausting! Tate laid down for quick rest on the soft and cuddley sports blanket Andrea and Allen gave him. Thanks guys!
And here he is with all the loot. Yeah, that's him on the couch zonked out. He had such an awesome day with some of his favorite people, it wore him right out.
Happy Birthday Tate! Looks like so much fun and lots of fun loot! :)
My oh my what a BD! Happy Birthday little Tate;D
He's getting so big! I hope he survives 3 blazing candles next year.
I can't believe you have a two year old. He's so cute and I can't believe how much he has grown up.
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