We've spent the last few weeks getting really serious about potty training. Tate has responded well, and after two weeks of frustration came two weeks of success! He still wears pull-ups at bedtime, but he's a pro at keeping his undies clean and dry during the day. A result of this potty training has been Tate's unusual attachment to his underpants. He especially likes his Buzz Lightyear pairs. He's been known to carry them around the house, take them to bed with him, and arrive at a soccer game with a pair in each hand. Today he was in the backyard with me while I was watering the flowers when he decided he needed to help me. I told him to go put his underpants down and I turned around and to see that he had found a special place for them. (This dead bush/tree was going to be dug out and done away with, but I think the underwear give a nice look, don't you?)

This is my big, potty-using boy. Yeah!!

I bribed Tate with a Twinkie to get him to sit still and smile for this picture. I think it turned out pretty cute. While Tate's been busy learning all about potty usage, Tori has been growing like weed. At her two month appointment she weighed 11 lb 15 oz (75%)and was 22 1/2 inches long (50%). She also rolled over for the first time last night. These kids are growing up too fast.

Tate and Tori with Grandpa and Grandma, also known as "The Spoilers". These two grandparents are so generous it's really getting ridiculous. Thanks for all you guys do for us!

This is what I call bliss: Daddy putting both kids (and himself) to sleep :)
Yay Tate! Come and teach Mac now!! I love the underwear tree. Classic! I'm also pretty proud of Phil for getting everybody to sleep.
I just laughed so hard at the underwear tree! Oh my goodness, he must take after his uncle because oddly enough I walk outside sometimes and see Shane's underwear floating in the breeze on a dead tree. Shane must have taught Tate his trick. Tori is getting too big and you should tell her to slow down, Tate too! Miss and love you guys!
I have seen that picture of daddy asleep with the kids a million times at our house, but it never gets old. Tell Tate great job on potty training from us, I understand the frustration!!!
Kids are so amazing....wonder what there thinking eh? You are so blessed...love the updates!
That underwear tree thing could become a trend - you never know. That's the cutest potty training boy I've ever seen.
The tree cracks me up..I can just picture him walking around with a pair in each hand. :) Tori is getting so big already!!
So, Shanon, Tori is "growing like weed"? What else do you have growing in your back yard?! I love the pictures. Tate and Tori are the cutest!
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