Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Underwear Tree

We've spent the last few weeks getting really serious about potty training. Tate has responded well, and after two weeks of frustration came two weeks of success! He still wears pull-ups at bedtime, but he's a pro at keeping his undies clean and dry during the day. A result of this potty training has been Tate's unusual attachment to his underpants. He especially likes his Buzz Lightyear pairs. He's been known to carry them around the house, take them to bed with him, and arrive at a soccer game with a pair in each hand. Today he was in the backyard with me while I was watering the flowers when he decided he needed to help me. I told him to go put his underpants down and I turned around and to see that he had found a special place for them. (This dead bush/tree was going to be dug out and done away with, but I think the underwear give a nice look, don't you?)

This is my big, potty-using boy. Yeah!!

I bribed Tate with a Twinkie to get him to sit still and smile for this picture. I think it turned out pretty cute. While Tate's been busy learning all about potty usage, Tori has been growing like weed. At her two month appointment she weighed 11 lb 15 oz (75%)and was 22 1/2 inches long (50%). She also rolled over for the first time last night. These kids are growing up too fast.

Tate and Tori with Grandpa and Grandma, also known as "The Spoilers". These two grandparents are so generous it's really getting ridiculous. Thanks for all you guys do for us!

This is what I call bliss: Daddy putting both kids (and himself) to sleep :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cute Pic

I had to post this picture my mom got of Tori on Sunday. She's actually smiling!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tori's Blessing Day

A baby comes,
a household hums,
love welcomes
sweet perfection.

A prayer ascends,
the Lord extends
His blessings
and protection.

Yesterday we blessed Tori and spent a wonderful day with our family. Tori looked so pretty in her blessing dress. I bought this dress only a few weeks after I found out we were having a girl. I was shopping with my mom and sister when we found it and I just loved it. It has been hanging in her closet waiting for her for months. I think it was a perfect fit.

A few weeks ago I ran all over town looking for a pair of frilly socks so I had to include a picture that showed her feet. (Sorry she looks kinda angry in this one)

Happy family. Man, I love these two kids! And my hubby!

This picture is one of my favorites. Tori surrounded by a just a few of her cousins. Look at these adorable future mothers! They just had to be around the baby, stroking her cheeks, playing with her hands, telling her how pretty she was. They were so cute!

What a cute, little face! (Couldn't you just squeeze those cheeks?!) Of course I couldn't get her to smile like this while she was in her blessing clothes, but I'll take this one anyway. Thank you to all of our awesome family that celebrated this special day with us. We love you!!