Tate finally got his hair cut last week. He hadn't had a haircut since Christmas, which was 3 1/2 months ago. That's the longest he has ever gone, so he was getting pretty shaggy. Aunt Andrea usually cuts his hair, but he has started throwing major fits during haircuts (hence the 3 1/2 months since his last one), so rather than risk having his eye poked out with scissors due to his thrashing around, we opted to go another route. We took him to Cookie Cutters, where they have airplanes and cars for the kids to sit in, movies, bubbles, toys, suckers, and balloons. It made me want to get my hair cut. And they were AWESOME!!!! Of course Tate cried, but he held very still and they were so fast, it seemed like it was over before it started. And Tate looked like a totally different little boy after all that hair got chopped off. Isn't he a handsome little man?
Watch as Tate goes through the five stages of a haircut, aka the five stages of grief.
#1 Denial - also known as "He Has No Idea What's Coming"
#2 Anger - Okay, he's not angry yet, but he'll get there.

#3 Bargaining - At this point, Tate is a little angry. He's pleading "All done! All done!" and I'm pretty sure he'd give up his blankey forever if I would just put a stop to this haircut.

#4 Depression - Okay, now he's full out crying. The crocodile tears have made their appearance. Even though the haircut has lasted all of three minutes, I'm feeling guilty.

#5 Acceptance- Phew. Haircut's over. And Tate is just getting a glance at his handsome self in the mirror. I'm pretty sure he decided it was all worth it.

As soon as he got his sucker, the tears disappeared. Along with all memory of the haircut. What is it with kids and suckers?

Whats funny is that Kate still has not gotten her first haircut!
Shoot, I want to get my hair cut there too! Do you think they'd give me a sucker?
Cute love to see your updates. What a sweet boy;-)
Very, very handsome haircut Tater. I'm glad the trauma didn't last too long!
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