Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Time Tuber

The Elders Quorum had a tubing activity last Saturday. Although there wasn't much snow left around here, we did find a patch of icy slush on a hill over at Sugar House Park. So we used that. Tate wasn't really into it. I think his exact words were, "No, no, daddy, no, no!" But, being good parents, we held him down and forced him to slide down the hill. We thought he might like it once he tried it. We thought wrong. He preferred to stay at the top of the hill with daddy. Maybe next year.

Sidenote: Why are my attempts at blogging always thwarted by either my archaic, super low-speed internet or my toddler's cute little index finger that always seems to find the power button on the computer at the most inopportune times?????

Sidenote #2: Is it bad that I'm letting my 18 month old eat crumbs from a bag of chips that he found in the garbage just so he won't come near the computer until I'm done with this post? Before you answer, keep in mind that I already wrestled a pair of needle-nose pliers away from him. When it comes to acceptable distractions, I draw the line at sharp, pointy, poke-your-eye-out objects.


Three Men and a Janie said...

Oh Man, Shanon, I totally feel for you on your "sidenotes." Just this morning I let Mac dump crackers all over the floor and run over them with his truck just so I could have some computer time...

Three Men and a Janie said...

By the way, I'm craving a Chadder burger so come on down!

Heckert Family said...

When Kate starts eating things out of the trash, I always tell her it is icky and not good for her. When she continues to eat it, I figure I have done my part.