The weekend after his surgery, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Shane, Uncle Tyson, and Aunt Andrea came to spoil Tate. Here is Tate and Shane in their matching hats that mom made. (Tate's mom, not Shane's mom)

No. It's not Tate's birthday. These are just his "Get Well" gifts. What a spoiled little boy.

Grandpa and Grandma took us out to eat at Joe's Crab Shack. Grandpa and Tyson happily strapped on their lobster bibs.

Tate wouldn't hold still for me to take a picture of him in his new church clothes. He kept attacking the camera. So Phil held him about eight feet away and let him go while I quickly snapped a picture. You can tell he is in mid-stride.

Tate and Shane laid down for a nap together. Shane was skeptical at first, but after he tested it out he admitted that thumb sucking is pretty darn soothing. Tate has had his cast on for a little over four weeks. He gets it off this Thursday!!
What a lucky boy! It looks like christmas day with his presents!
So glad to hear that Tate got his cast off. Yahoo. Can't wait to see you at Tysons Farewell. Hmmmm. Shanes homecoming was when you showed me tates thumb for the first time. miracles. Hope it is as good as new;)
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