Yay for cool weather! It means that my knitting hobby can actually be put to practical use. Although I love knitting little baby hats year-round, it feels a little more satisfying in the fall when the hats actually get worn. This time I decided to make new hats for Tate and Tori.

This one ended up being a lot of work, but I think it turned out pretty cute. Or is that just the baby wearing it?

Back view. Isn't it darling? Oh, and the hat doesn't look bad either :)

This little pink one turned out really sweet, but it has since been all stretched out by two playful little hands. Oh well.

Tate's hat turned out a little big, but he loves it anyway. Check out this impromptu hug from big brother. How sweet is that?!

Close-up view of Tate's hat. Even though my dad says it looks like he's growing mold on his head, those little green bumps are actually tiny turtles.
I can't take credit for this cute cap. My friend Janie crocheted this, a skill I plan to learn in the near future. Thanks, Jane!
I love the hats! Tori just gets cuter every day! I cannot wait to see her again! Someday you will teach me how to make those cute hats. We love ya guys!
Those hats and children are so beautiful.
I love the turtle hat! Your kids are so stinkin cute. I like the red hat too. :) I've been crocheting up a storm since the weather turned! Mac loves Tate's Lightning McQueen cake.
I need to take lessons from you guys. This is something I would love to learn how to do. And by the way your models are super cute!
So, so cute! What would you charge to make another one for Eisley? Love the turtles..I don't think it looks like mold at all. :)
I think Tori and I need matching hats since we have matching names:)
The hats are way cute! And Phil's mold comment made me laugh hard! Thanks for the laugh, Phil!
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