The ultrasound yesterday went great. We got a sneak peak at our healthy, beautiful, active baby girl! We were a little surprised when the technician made this announcement, but we're so excited to welcome her into our family. I'm so glad I live in this age of technology where we get the chance to see these little babies so early on in their development. It's just so cool to see this little person growing and moving around inside of you. Amazing. Anyway. We couldn't be happier, but we're going to need some input on names because we just don't have any ideas. For now, we're calling her Baby Boo, after the little girl in Monsters, Inc. (That's one of Tate's favorite shows so when we asked him what the baby's name was, he said Boo. So we're going with that for now.) Yay for girls!
congrats! Girls are fun, but so easy to spend money on!
YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Congrats! Love the pink background - can't wait to meet your little girl!
I like the name Boo. I think you should go with that!! :) Still so excited for you. Baby Boo looks great in her first little picture! What a cute profile.
my name ideas:
Shane says astrid
I say:
Bella (not cause I'm obsessed with the Vampire book, I just think it's cute)
That is what we have for now. We will keep thinking.
Congrats!!! I had no idea you were expecting again. How exciting!! I hope things continue to go well for you. I'm sure she will be beautiful, just like her mom!!
She's going to be such a beautiful baby girl! I'm so happy for you guys.
Congratulations Shanon!! I'm so happy and excited for you! So glad that everything looked great too! I don't have suggestions for names other than NO to Finley or Harper (hence one of my latest, hormone charged posts).
I am trying to get organized and get our Christmas card mailing list done..could you e-mail me your mailing address? Thanks and congrats again!
Congrats! Little girls are the best! She'll be a total daddy's girl...you just wait and see :o)
Hi Handley family! this is your cousins the other Egberts. Congrats on the girl! I love the nickname.
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