The rules of the game are:
1. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names.
3. The player then goes to the tagees' blogs, and leaves a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the player's blog.
1. I am a compulsive list maker. (So this game is perfect for me!) I make lists for everything, not just the grocery store. I have an excel spreadsheet at work that contains daily to-do lists and I go into that file and make changes to it like ten times a day. I make meal lists, to-do lists, shopping lists, who has whose name for Christmas lists, etc. I'll make a list, then I'll think of something to add, but it looks out of order, so I'll make the whole list over again. I sometimes create sublists that go with my main lists. I also love to cross off things on my list. It gives me a major sense of accomplishment.
2. I love finances and all things pertaining thereto. I think I definitely picked the right major in college. I like to crunch numbers and calculate the monthly payments for homes based on different interest rates. I love to balance the check book, and I check our bank account balances at least twice a day. I love getting statements for our retirement accounts in the mail. I even read more than just the first page sometimes, although most of the info is a little boring. I even took a family finance class last winter just for fun, and I loved it. Although, I think my family is tired of me telling them to cut up their credit cards and get an emergency fund.
3. I love to talk with other mommies about babies. Before Tate was born, I was totally turned off by any conversation that headed towards kids, especially child birth. But now I hunt for these types of discussion. I have a good friend at work who is pregnant right now, and we are constantly bugging our coworkers with all of our talk about maternity clothes, prenatal classes, and all things baby. I also love to hold anyone's baby. Especially since my baby is pretty much all grown up (He's one!).
4. I am neatly messy. I wouldn't call my house a pig sty (although my father might) but I'm fine with leaving dishes in the sink for a couple of days. And I don't usually flip out when Phil leaves his shoes in the living room for a week. Maybe this comes from being too busy, but cleaning is pretty much last on my aforementioned lists. Even when everything else is crossed off, I avoid it. When we were first married, Phil used to make the bed everyday. Now it only gets made when we wash the sheets. I try to keep the rest of the rooms pretty organized, but we usually have a pile of mail on the dining room table, along with Tate's uneaten bucket of Halloween treats, scriptures that haven't been put away yet, and a pile of Ensigns. Don't get me wrong, I usually keep my house straightened up, but I'm not a freak about it. I leave that to my sister :)
5. I am incredibly indecisive. Here's how it usually goes.
Me: " I don't feel like making dinner."
Phil: "Okay. Let's go get something. What do you want?"
Me: "I don't know. What do you want?"
Phil: "It doesn't matter to me. What do you feel like?"
Me: "Anything sounds good. Where do you want to go?"
Phil: "I don't care, I'm just hungry. Just pick somewhere."
Me: "Well, I don't know. Anything is okay with me."
Phil: "Well, what sounds the best?"
Me: "Nothing sounds the best. Everything sounds good."
Phil: "I'll go put in a frozen pizza."
I think Phil and I both have decision making problems. I just have an inability to make a quick decision. I feel the need to make a pro's and cons list about everything. I blame my father for that.
6. I had to ask Phil for this last one. And he's totally right. I have to have a blankie. Now, my family knows abouth my ten year struggle with an intense attachment to a particular blanket. I had this blanket from the time I was a baby until I was about ten years old, and it was worn, faded, and very shabby from extreme use. At this point my mom and dad thought it was appropriate that I be weened off this blanket, which they liked to called "Rags". So I was given a new, more grown up blanket for my tenth birthday. Of course this little trick didn't work. I went right back to my old, familiar blankie. Undeterred, my parents stole my beloved blankie from me, and I haven't seen it since. But this didn't stop my love of blankets. Although I no longer am attached to a particular one, I still love to cuddle up on the couch with a warm, cozy blanket. And I still have one with me in bed, just in case Phil doesn't feel like cuddling. The worst part is that I have passed this blanket-loving gene on to my child. Tate is totally attached to his blanket. Every time he sees it, he curls up, pops his thumb in his mouth, and is as happy as a clam. I try to only let him have it at bedtime, but sometimes it's the only thing that will soothe him when he's upset. He'll hunt for it when I hide it from him, drag it out of the dirty laundry basket, and try his best to pull it out of the crib. I caught him in this act in the following picture.
Okay. There's my list of six. Sorry it's so long. And since everyone I know has already been tagged, except maybe Rachel, I'm not tagging anyone specifically. Just anyone who is reading this who has not previously been tagged.
1 comment:
I am totally a blanket lover too, and completely indecisive. Also, do you want to be our financial advisor? haha
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