Thursday, February 14, 2008

Look Ma, No Cast!

Tate got his cast off last Thursday. It was a pretty scary ordeal for all of us, but the doctor said everything looks great. To us it just looks very different. He has a few scars that will fade quickly, but his thumb doesn't look anything like it used to. I kind of miss his little "thinger" (part thumb, part finger). But as long as he can use it, I'm happy.

For now, bath time is the only time Tate can be without his new splint. He'll be wearing it for three months.

In the second month, we can take the splint off for short periods of quiet play. And he'll only have to wear it at night in the third month. Hopefully by then he’ll be a pro at using his new thumb.


Three Men and a Janie said...

I'm so glad the Doc thinks everything looks okay! He sure is a cutie!

Us Egberts said...

Do you just look at that little tate every day and say "How blessed we are to have this little man!" I love your blog. I enjoyed seeing you at Tysons farewell.